

Records suggest the Knights Templar Order originates from an earlier period, this symbol is said to represent "city", yet the use of the circle has always represented the Sun. This Knights Templar symbol is therefore depicted with the Sun. The Sun has another meaning "Ra", often called the Sun God but also meaning God of Light. Emen-Ra another word for God in ancient Egypt, Emen means "hidden" and "Ra" light "Emen-Ra" therefore means hidden light. Atum-Ra "Atum" means end and beginning therefore "Atum-Ra" means the beginning and end of Light.

Unlucky Friday 13th- comes from the Knights Templar history in France when the Pope rounded up all Knights Templars and accused them of heresy. The Pope dissolved the order in 1312.

The Biscuit - comes from Knights Templar history- from the time of the crusade where the Knights Templar would make a large flat bread and bake it twice to prevent it from going mouldy.

12th Century
According to Historical records the Order of the Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem was originally founded in 1118 by Hugo de Payens and Godfrey de St. Omar, who persuaded King Baldwin I of Jerusalemto allow them to establish themselves and their companions in the Royal Palace. The Palace was situated on the site of the Al'Aqsa Mosque, rumored to be the Temple of Solomon, this is reputed to be where the title Templar originated.

The 12th Century Order originally consisted of three classes:

Knights who had to be of Noble birth, or were knighted by the Grand Master for chivalry conduct. Knights would wear a Bronze Ring

Sergeants who were drawn from the middle classes and were the grooms

Stewards of the Order and the Clerics who were the Chaplains taking charge of the non-military aspects of the Order.

The emblem of the Knights Templars was a red cross on a white background, the Sergeants having a red cross on a black background. These classes were later extended to five with a Knightly Class consisting of knights joining either for a set period of time (to fulfill a quest) or who were in their advancing years and wished to spend their final days as part of the Order; and an additional Non-Military Class composed of the craftsmen and artisans necessary for the smooth running of the lands and estates owned by the Templars.

The Knights Templars are reputed to be the founders of some of the first banks, Bankers of the Levant(encompassing the Holy Land). With the arrival of the Second and Third Crusades, the Templars were perceived in some quarters to have hedged their bets, as they were bankers not only to the local Christian population, but to many of the Saracen merchants as well. True to the banking profession they took money from anyone wishing to deposit. The banking system operated with the Templars taking an agreed charge on all monies held, thus ensuring that the Order never ran out of funds. All parties were satisfied with this arrangement. Any monies subject to international transactions were sent under Templar guard to the nearest Preceptory in the appropriate region. Monies and jewels were thus able to move freely throughout the Levantand Europe with very little risk, thus further enhancing the standing of the Knights.

The Trial of Jacques de Molay
After his arrest on 10th October 1307, Jacques de Molay 'confessed' to many things in order to avoid the torture chamber. The trials and the 'confessions' had been proclaimed and public opinion was firmly against the Templars. The only concession the Pope was able to extract from Philip (King of France) was that all Templar holdings be returned to the Church. Philip conceded this and the property fell into the possession of the Hospitallers. After much political manipulation the Knights Templars in most of Europe were extinguished and became the victim of politics. Jacques de Molay suffered for seven years in captivity after which he was burnt at the stake on11th March 1314along with a number of his former Priors. During the execution he recanted and cursed both the Pope and the King promising they would meet him at the final judgment within the year. A prophesy which was fulfilled.

Jacques de Molay Day
In remembrance of Jacques de Molay we commemorate 11th March every year with a French Banquet & a toast of remembrance to Jacques de Molay made with a good French Bordeaux wine.

Knights Templars persecuted in England
In Britain the 'War of Independence' was still raging and King Edward ignored the Pope where it suited him. He proceeded to imprison any Templars who disagreed with him except for those that had actively aided him in his Scottish campaigns. Edward eventually allowed the Inquisition into England but refused to allow them to use torture as this was opposing the laws of the time. The Order of the Knights Templars slowly disappeared or went underground. Many Knights Templars joined the Order of the Knights Hospitallers, an Order dedicated to healing and caring for the sick, the founding fathers of the Hospital. Other Knights Templars formed a new type of Order and became absorbed into Freemasonry. The Freemason link with Knights Templar and their secrecy coupled with their use of pyramid symbolism are overwhelming evidence that some Knights Templar Orders did survive.

The Knights Templar were also known as "The Knights of the Temple", there were 48 known houses in England by 1216, and it is estimated that by 1260 the Order boasted over 20,000 membership. If every eldest son of all those ancestors were to continue to become members, there would be 1.3 million members here today in England. The Knights Templars had a good relationship with Knights Hospitallers (brothers in arms), and Gilbertine monasteries, which appeared to survive all persecution until the 16th century, with 26 Monasteries still in existence at the Dissolution (1538) during the reign of Henry VIII. Were the Gilbertines the "Keepers of the Knights Templar Faith" during the years of persecution? Where has the "knowledge" disappeared to?

Few would argue with orthodox 12th Century Knights Templar history. However, this section proposes that the origins and roots of the Order delve further back into history than many may have ever imagined.

The original and distinctive white robes of the Knights Templar warriors are probably their most easily recognizable feature. Did they adopt this style of dress from the 'Essene Nazarenes' (a sect living around the same time as Jesus)? Even Jesus himself was described in scripture as wearing white robes.

Many people believe that when they use the term "Jesus the Nazarene" that it basically means the same as "Jesus of Nazareth". However this argument falls flat when it is discovered that the town or city of Nazareth did not even exist in any form until some decades after Jesus lifetime. Could this deceptive term "Jesus of Nazareth" have been planted in the bible in a clumsy attempt to disguise the possible Egyptian and Persian origins of the sect of the Nazarenes? The Nazarene sect had three main centers and one of them was just outside Alexandria in Egypt! The Nazarenes taught homeopathy, herbalism, alchemy and practiced vegetarianism. They were the four runners to medicine men or Doctors, caring for the sick and diseased, a doctrine followed by Knights Templar Orders and Hospitallers.

Justin Martyr, writing in c.160CE reports a discussion with a Jew, Trypho, who called Jesus a 'Galilean Magician'. The philosopher Celsus, writing about 175CE, states that, although Jesus grew up in Galilee, he worked for a time as a hired laborer in Egypt, where he learned the techniques of Magic. The bible says so little about Jesus's early life that is impossible to dismiss this as being true.

In Arab countries to this day, the word used to describe Jesus and his followers is not Christians but "Nazara". This is confirmed in the Islamic Koran and the word means 'keepers' or 'guardians' (Knights are also known as protectors, in fact one of the Knights Templar's role was to protect travellers in the Holy Land in the 12th Century). The full definition is Nazara ha-Brit, which means 'Keepers of the Covenant'. In fact, the "Brit" aspect of that is the very root of the country name of Britain (originally Britannia). Brit-ain actually means "covenant-land".

The expression 'keepers of the covenant' is very similar to the very meaning of the name "Knights Templars"

Remember too the account in the bible about the "Three Wise Men". They were more accurately called "The Three Magi" known for their knowledge and Magic. A knowledge of herbs and their uses, alchemy etc would be magic to the uneducated. Knowledge is everything, imagine what would be thought of a common box of matches in those days, quite simply it would have been thought of as "Magic". The use of an antibiotic to cure a disease would be viewed as a miracle. What is less well known however is that they were also known as "Nazars". Could this connection help to explain where the name Nazarene came from?

Also, if there was an ancient city in Egypt called "Nazara" could that prove to be significant? Well, it appears that there was such a city. Quite possibly the Magi came from Nazara and were known as Nazarenes. Did these "Three Wise Men" become the teachers of Jesus, "keepers of the knowledge" the sacred knowledge taught to initiates of the Nazara. Was "Baptism" performed by John the Baptist the initiation ceremony, or graduation of the knowledge? Evidence suggests that a well known oil (this oil had euphoric properties) was poured over the initiate prior to the cleansing in the water part of baptism, was this cleansing part to wash off the oil preventing further absorption of the oil through the skin? After the baptism many people would describe euphoric spiritual feelings. Did the oil helping to relax the subconscious and develop their spiritual connection with God cause this?

The most potent of symbols of the Jewish faith, the "Star of David". The earliest examples of this symbol date back to 600-700 B.C. Surely this most Jewish of icons cannot have links to Egypt, can it? Well here again it appears that our pre-conceived ideas are once more being challenged. During the reign of pharaoh Akhen-Aten (18th Dynasty 1372-1354 BC), there rose to prominence the use of a 3-dimensional shape called "The Merkaba Star". As you will be able to clearly see from the pictures and images that follow, the Star of David is an accurate 2-dimensional representation of the original 'Merkaba Star', that, may well have been brought out of Egypt by Moses himself at the time of the Exodus; after all the bible categorically states that Moses was "versed in all the ways of the Egyptians". Considering that their lives may well have crossed, and that Moses was himself of the Egyptian royal family, and that he too taught monotheism to the Hebrews, it is not difficult to see the link. Some even believe that Moses was Akhen-Aten ! They suggest that Moses "exodus" and Akhen-Aten's sudden "disappearance" describe the same event from two different viewpoints. Regardless off the true facts, the similarities between these two "Star" icons are impossible to ignore.

The Knights Templars used meditation daily, meditation is said to lead to higher consciousness used by Buddhists. Christianity does not mention meditation, yet the Knights Templar Order clearly used it, one can only deduce that the Knights Templar's religious traditions came from a different source other than 'Roman Catholism'. Did the Order's traditions come from the Nazarenes, if so, did the Nazarenes practice meditation? This would explain why the roman catholic church destroyed them. Also, as will be shown there are numerous examples of Templar crosses on temples in Egypt along with ankh symbols on Templar tombs. The evidence is overwhelming.

After the death of Jesus it is interesting to note that Mary Magdalene went to Europe and formed her own church, not based on Christianity, but the old religion of Egypt "Isis/Osiris", believed to be the same beliefs of the Magi. Was Mary Magdalene a high priestess of the Magi? She was accompanied by disciples of the faith known as "keepers of the faith" (Knights Templars) to guard her, it is this Order of the Knights Templar that took the true faith from the Magi of Egypt, the same faith that Jesus practiced.

Was Mary Magdalene with child?

Were the keepers of the faith also keepers of the Holy Grail "The Bloodline of Christ"; or is the Holy Grail something else? One of the best ways of keeping a true secret is to leek a false but plausible 'fake secret', this keeps everyone looking in the wrong direction, trying to justify and find evidence to support the fake, even plant some evidence to prove the fake is genuine.

Today's deeds become tomorrows history, do something great today and become part of history. As Richard I (Richard the Lion heart) once said:

"A Nobleman is measured by his deeds not his birthright".